8 Steps to Finding Your Ultimate Self

It's time to start living your life. You can't be the person you want to be if you're not living the life you want. That is why it's essential to find out who you are and what makes you happy. In this blog post, we will discuss eight steps that will help guide the way in finding yourself and becoming more authentically "you."

Step One: Use a journal to track what you are feeling on any given day. Take note of the time, your mood, and how that changes throughout the day. This can be done in pen or pencil and then stored away until it is safe to look back at them; this will allow you to see patterns over time and give insight into why certain feelings arise for you more than others.

Step Two: Try out different things every week just for fun! It doesn't matter if they're items from your "to-do" list or not - anything goes so long as it's something new and exciting for you, even if only temporarily. You'll find yourself getting excited each time something else comes up because there is so much joy in finding new experiences when it comes to life.

Step Three: Ask yourself what are your deepest desires? What is it you want to accomplish in life, and why does that matter most to you? This can be done through meditation, journaling, or conversations with close friends. The key here is getting out of the day-to-day doldrums and looking at the big picture, so you have a better idea as to where you're going next.

Step Four: Get outside more! Living by our computer screens all day long has made us forget about nature's healing properties; everything from lack of vitamin D to noise pollution contributes toward this stress being put on our bodies daily. That said, make sure if there's one thing you do for yourself every single day, it'll be something that is fulfilling to you.

Step Five: Trust your gut. Living our lives based on what we think other people want us to be is a surefire way to get lost in the dark and lonely pit of self-loathing where no one can find us. So stand up for yourself, experiment with who you are, and let go of anything holding you back from being true to yourself!

Step Six: Forgive others when they wrong you. Whether it's an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, parents or co-workers, don't hold onto anger that will eventually eat away at your soul like cancer does so often these days. Anger isn't healthy - forgiveness, on the other hand, heals not just the individual but those around them as well down the line because they will realize their fault.

Step Seven: Be honest. Living a life of lies may be easier in the short term but is only ever lead to an eventual downfall, whether it's financial issues or health problems that spiral out of control over time. The truth will set you free and give back what living in denial has taken from you - so take those steps towards honesty today!

Step Eight: Finally, live your best life by doing things for yourself and no one else. If this means taking some time away from friends/family who don't make us happy to do activities we love with ourselves, then all the better! After all, there isn't much point in being alive if we're not enjoying it while we can."

- Lusene Donzo


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